MLFP – Law of Attraction Workshops

Make Love for Peace - Law of Attraction Workshops

These Law of Attraction Workshops are really Playshops, courses and mentoring programs utilizing the Law of Attraction and other fundamental laws of creation. They are laid out in a way where we can focus on creating the life we desire in each of the four main areas of our lives. The four main areas being; Love,  Self-expression,  Health, and Abundance. Being fulfilled in our lives enables us to share our gifts and determines how we show up in the world.


We are the Ones!

Creating Consciously

Creating Consciously will give you the tools to create your life on purpose and by design. Based on Quantum Physics, Creating Consciously explores the metaphysical world and how thoughts become things, affected by our emotions. This law of attraction workshop follows 7 main laws that lead to the perfect square of life as laid out in the book “The Game of Life and How to Play it by Florence Scovel Shinn” There are great experiential exercises included so you can really know, energy follows thought! The metaphysical understanding this course offers lays the base for the rest of the work. You will really know, through experience that energy follows thought!

Heart Healing

The Heart Healing Course was designed to help you move through stuck emotions and create a new story for your life. We all have to deal with sadness, grief, and loss at some point in our lives. Heart Healing can give us some tools and support while we are healing that pain as well as help us to re-focus on what we really do want so we can be happier and more loving with ourselves and others. 

Sacred Touch Snuggle Party and Playshop

Sacred Touch Workshop and Snuggle Party is a fun and experiential way to learn about manifesting positive relationships. This course is offered for those wanting to take the Make Love for Peace work to the next level. Explore intimacy and boundaries in a safe, guided environment. This course explores the themes in Chapter 8 “Loving Yourself” and “Loving Others” of the Make Love for Peace Book.

Manifesting Magic

Manifesting Magic is a 5-week Coaching Course and Mentoring Program that is part of the Make Love For Peace Series in which we will cover, through the acronym of MAGIC, 5 Keys to a Balanced Life. Each week we will focus on a new Key and how to implement them into our lives.

We will also learn about:

∞ Holding the Vision

∞ Re-framing our Thinking

Manifesting Examples

∞ Manifestation Techniques

∞ Scientific proof that thoughts create matter & effect our universe

∞ Suggested Readings for each of these Key areas.

Elemental master

Mastering the Elements